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12.21.2023 | Buying

12 Tips for Moving Your Family to a New City

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Uprooting and moving your family to a new city can be a daunting experience and overwhelming for you and your children – a new home, a new neighbourhood and a new school. But it can also be exciting to meet new people, make new friends and explore a new city. Whether you are moving a few hours away or across the world, these 12 tips for moving your family to a new city will help reduce stress and ensure the smoothest transition possible.

1. Talk often about the move

Prepping your kids for the move is the best way to reduce their fears regarding a different city and school. Keep the lines of communication open, and let your kids ask questions. Let them know why you are moving and the benefits it will bring (a bigger home, closer to family, a pool). What do they have to look forward to in the new place? Address any concerns they have, and try where you can to focus on the positives.

2. Research as a family

Look into your new city, neighbourhood and the school your kids will attend. Many cities have websites you can check that will list amenities, programs, and community events. If your kids have specific sports or extracurriculars they love, see what is available in the area. Plan a visit to explore the city and neighbourhood, so there will be a sense of familiarity. Many schools will let you arrange a tour before your child’s first day. The more familiar your kids are with the area, the more comfortable they will be when moving.

3. Create a moving plan

Moving your family to a new city requires a lot of planning. The more prepared you are, the easier your move will be. Start as early as possible, creating checklists of tasks that need to be done, like cleaning, packing, hiring movers, and cancelling utilities. A moving binder (or folder on your computer) gives you a great place to store important documents. Be sure to communicate the plan to your kids along the way and involve them as much as possible.

4. Take the opportunity to declutter

It’s incredible how much stuff we accumulate when we have lived in a home for a few years. Moving is the perfect time to declutter and sell, donate, or throw away anything you no longer need. Encourage your family members to get involved and sort through their belongings. Not only does it lighten the load when it comes time to move, but it’s also an excellent opportunity to teach your kids the benefit of giving to others.

5. Hire professional movers

While the urge to save money and do it yourself seems appealing at first, hiring movers takes so much stress off you (and any friends you convince to help!). Professional movers not only move your belongings but can offer advice on the logistics and timing of your move. Before you hire movers, ask around to see if any friends have recommendations for a reliable company. Check reviews and book them well in advance to ensure your preferred date is open.

6. Keep the essentials close at hand

Pack a box or a few backpacks with essential items your family will need the first night at your new home. Bring toiletries, a change of clothes, pyjamas, and any of your kid’s favourite stuffies or toys. Include everything you will need for the first day or two, so you won’t have to tear through boxes searching for that one particular item you need. Letting your kids pack their bags with the things they deem essential is another excellent way to get them involved in the move (it’s like getting ready for a trip!)

7. Plan a visit back home

If you are moving away from friends and family, plan a trip to either come back for a visit or have them come out to the new house. Knowing there is something concrete in the calendar makes the move easier because it’s less of a goodbye and more of a ‘see you soon!”

8. Explore the area as a family

If you can, plan a visit to spend a weekend in your new city ahead of the move. It’s the perfect opportunity to try new restaurant and cafes, check out the amenities, and see what is close to your new home. If you can’t get to the city beforehand, search online and find a few places your kids would like to visit once you have moved in.

9. Connect with people in your new neighbourhood

Many neighbourhoods have online groups you can join through social media sites like Facebook. A little research before you move can make the transition more comfortable. Once you have moved into your new place, getting involved in your community is a great way for you and your kids to meet new friends.

10. Plan something fun

Moving your family to a new city is smoother and more exciting if your kids have something to look forward to. Whether it’s redecorating their room, a pool party in the new house, or a weekend where family and friends stop by, an exciting event in their future will give your kids something to look forward to.

11. Get a babysitter for moving day

Even if you hire professional movers, moving day is long and often stressful. Having the kids spend the day with a friend or family member is much easier on them and you. Moving day is often long and can mess with nap schedules and bedtimes, only increasing your kids’ stress. It also gives you some time to settle in before they get to their new home.

12. Be flexible

Moving days don’t come around often, and surprises can pop up. Stay flexible with bedtimes and extra snacks, knowing that your routine will be back on track once you have settled in.

Moving your family to a new city is an exciting time – even more so when your kids are prepared, involved, and excited about the change. If you want to move your family to the West GTA, we are happy to help!

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